
Fide-lichess rating

My lichess rapid rating generally swings between 1950-1980 and I can defeat stockfish 6,even with kings gambit...I only play matches with slow time controls like 10+5..What would be my approximate fide rating ?
1000 too 1050 fide rating strength = 1850 too 1950 lichess rating
1050 too 1150 fide rating strength = 1950 too 2000 lichess rating
1150 too 1250 fide rating strength = 2000 too 2050 lichess rating
1250 too 1350 fide rating strength = 2050 too 2100 lichess rating
1350 too 1450 fide rating strength = 2100 too 2150 lichess rating
1450 too 1550 fide rating strength = 2150 too 2225 lichess rating
1550 too 1650 fide rating strength = 2225 too 2300 lichess rating
1650 too 1750 fide rating strength = 2300 too 2350 lichess rating
1750 too 1850 fide rating strength = 2350 too 2400 lichess rating
1950 too 2250 fide rating strength = 2400 too 2500 lichess rating
2250 too 2350 fide rating strength = 2500 too 2550 lichess rating
2350 too 2450 fide rating strength = 2550 too 2600 lichess rating
2450 too 2550 fide rating strength = 2600 too 2650 lichess rating
2550 too 2650 fide rating strength = 2650 too 2750 lichess rating
2650 too 2750 fide rating strength = 2750 too 2850 lichess rating
2750 too 2850 fide rating strength = 2850 too 2900 lichess rating
This was my own analysis determining the exact rating is not possible and only works for rapid and classical i checked some of my friends rating and i regularly watch lichess tv i found that most players between 2400 too 2500 have 1950 too 2250 rating in their profile . hope this post helps you
Why are ratings higher compared to other sites and organisations such as FIDE, USCF and the ICC?
It is best not to think of ratings as absolute numbers, or compare them against other organisations. Different organisations have different levels of players, different rating systems (Elo, Glicko, Glicko-2, or a modified version of the aforementioned). These factors can drastically affect the absolute numbers (ratings).

It's best to think of ratings as "relative" figures (as opposed to "absolute" figures): Within a pool of players, their relative differences in ratings will help you estimate who will win/draw/lose, and how often. Saying "I have X rating" means nothing unless there are other players to compare that rating to.
More than 800 points different for the lower rated (still higher than myself :( ) looks a little bit too harsh.
i agree its little harsh i only said for fide rated players ok i will add 1500 too 1850 lichess rating is 950 too 1050 fide rating strength sorry if you felt bad @sheckley666
check my rapid rating. 2100. I beat 1700 USCF ( approx to FIDE) fairly easily and have a record of approx 6-1 against them in otb. That's pretty sad if all those 1700s are losing to a 1400 like that.

It's better to say that 1000 FIDE is 1500 lichess. When I was 1300 lichess 3 years ago my FIDE was 800 and I struggled to beat 900s
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