
Permanently disable chat from opponent during game

I'd like to permanently disable chat from my opponents during the game, or maybe based on 'Friends' status (block all chat except Friends). I see that I can tick the chatbox window, is that the only way to do any muting? I find any chat disturbing during the game. Any advice?
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Click the green button at the top right corner when u play a game. It will turn black, so hiding the chat box. Or u can turn on zen mode.
You can tick the chatbox, as you are already doing, or you can just keep the Notes tab open instead of the chatbox. Otherwise you have to use zen mode, I guess.

You cannot filter by friend status, as far as I know.
just press the Z key. and you can troggle switch on/off the zen mode
I guess kid-mode kills the chat window. "In kid mode, all site communications are disabled. "
are you talking about ingame chat? then Z key for zen mode

if youre talking about private messages, go to preferences -> site settings -> "Let other players message you" -> "only friends"

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