
Feature request please.

@GirlofChess Well, I looked at the video and i really don't get the issue: all i see is an opponent that, in a lost position, is not moving up until the last seconds, and shortly even try a draw offer... *THOSE* are the problems

Now, are we seriously questioning the fact that, in spite of all the above, having those little messages (which, by the way, with the skin he's using are barely readable, and even stop animating once the chatbox is filled) and the numbers moving on the clock (like they always do, only they are moving up instead of down) are, in any shape or form, the actual abuse here?!
I don't think you are allowed to add time in tournaments. That's why I usually play.
In cases when my opponent is winning, but low on time. They add time for me, hoping that I'll give them time in return. I simply ignore that.

Well, at this point it's all "agree to disagree" then. Because I don't know what I can write anything different than I already did on this issue. Maybe except that I am suspecting that people are having problems with the word "abuse" I used. Maybe it's too strong to describe the problem, maybe "misuse" is better suited. But English is not my native language obviously so I certainly don't have a natural feeling for the strength of the words anyway, therefore I'm just guessing at this moment. Nevertheless, I really cannot comprehend that there is not any problem with the usage of this feature.

And I totally have respect everyone's opinion in this thread including the one that I'm ridiculous and should not be indulged by lichess which is actually too late because I'm already indulged by lichess, by lichess being awesome in many ways. I can easily say that it's literally the best website that I know of and use.

Anyway, I made my plea, and I think I'm not the only one feeling the same about the subject matter, considering the posts in agreement and the fact that this is not the only thread about this feature as I remember.

So this is all I can say.
It might be reasonable to put a rate limit on the button. It seems strange to add more than 30 minutes per move.

Having watched the video, the obvious way to punish the opponent is by using that extra time.
Why give your opponent time in the first place unless you are casually playing and need time to talk about the game or something while it is being played. You play a certain time control for a reason right? Now if I am playing a casual game with my friends and they need to go to the restroom or get a drink (or whatever else) then I don't mind.

Also I dislike giving takebacks all together so I disabled it. Now I do feel bad if my opponent mouse slipped something obvious. Like hanging the queen instead of trading queens. Or playing Ba6 as white where they intended Bb5 (to play the Spanish opening).
#11, GirlofChess, thanks for your common sense. Unfortunately I think my request to not allow the time control to be changed during the game is being ignored.

What I'm going to do in the future besides blocking these people is use the extra time doing something else. Then I will come back and defeat the person I don't like. Making the loser wait is fair punishment. These people who besides adding time write rude comments, they don't belong here. They should play chess at the disgusting

It would be so nice if the obvious fix was made.

I can't complain. Lichess is the most amazing chess website in the universe. I am eternally grateful for the hard work that made it possible and I encourage everyone to become a patron.
#26 "I think my request... is being ignored. It would be so nice if the obvious fix was made... I can't complain."

We get it that you have an opinion. I watched the video. I responded to your comments. I'm probably not going to agree with your opinion, especially because:

1. The most compelling support of your argument is a video where the opponent is a poor sport in so many other ways, and because nothing is broken (the player can pretend the extra time hasn't been applied and if they feel as if they've run out of time, they can resign).
2. There are numerous legitimate reasons to add time, which is why so many chess sites have the ability to add time. I've added time to opponents' clocks when I find a position interesting, or when real life circumstances distracted them from the game, or simply when they're a beginner who mismanaged their time!
3. There is no way to disable auto-flag, unlike other chess sites. I think this is a good design decision on lichess' part.

That all said, personally I think increments (or delay) should be mandatory as in USCF and FIDE tournaments.
#27 The video is not mine sir. I think you are mixing me up with someone else.

You have no problem with throwing out the rules of chess while the game is being played without bothering to ask for the opponent's permission and not caring if you are distracting your opponent who is trying to think. Thanks for the heads up. I blocked you of course which is unfortunate because you are an excellent chess player.

Have a nice day sir.
#26 I agree.

@Toadofsky says: I've added time to opponents' clocks when I find a position interesting, or when real life circumstances distracted them from the game, or simply when they're a beginner who mismanaged their time!

Sadly most people aren't like you Toadofsky. I've only seen people adding time for the reason I mentioned in #12.

Toadofsky says: There are numerous legitimate reasons to add time, which is why so many chess sites have the ability to add time. and FIDE online Arena don't allow you to add extra time.

Toadofsky says: The most compelling support of your argument is a video where the opponent is a poor sport in so many other way

What I mentioned in #12 has happened to me many times. Why isn't this a support.
#28 I apologize for the mix-up; I do try to focus on development although it's a good thing for some lichess staff to participate in the forums...

There are numerous ways to distract an opponent and yet you choose to focus on adding time, not on the chat box, not on the takeback and draw offer buttons, not on the ability to message players or mention their name in forums causing them to receive notifications, and not on playing overtly bad moves and/or stalling for minutes before moving. I really don't understand your reasoning.

Honestly, I'm a terrible chess player; but either way have a nice day.

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