
Is there a limit to how nice you should be

Is there a limit to how you are respectful to others?
Is there something known as 'too nice'?
And is being too nice a good or a bad thing?
And can you get trouble for being too nice?
Yes of course... ;) And incidentally, by definition how can being "too nice" be a good thing?
Well, one can be "too nice" in terms of sacrificing one's own well-being to please others.
This can be good & otherwise, as it depends on the situation one finds oneself in, so to speak.

And i believe one's course of action can either be rational or irrational. If one gets into trouble for being "too nice", one must have been irrational along the way. And the element of irrationality is not a nice thing, factually speaking.

In order words, irrational motives shouldn't be considered "too nice", let alone "nice". A more suitable word for this cause would be "stupid".

Hence, it's important for one to find a balance between being kind and assertive and prioritize one's own needs & boundaries.
You received a very thorough and expert answer by Raptor-5, sdkman!

To me, acting kind rather than nice is better. The distinction between "kind" and "nice" is critical to me. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but being nice is like saying "bless you" when someone sneezes. You didn't say "bless" you from the bottom of your heart, and the person who sneezed is not overly thankful you said it.

Being kind is if it's for instance 80+ degrees Fahrenheit and you (you as in "one," as I am not literally talking about "you," sdkman) feel that the people that are doing construction near your house are thirsty and in need of Gatorade/Powerade/electrolytes, then providing the construction crew with beverages (and if you'd like, some snacks, too) will bring your local construction workers to realization that you are thankful of their effort and that you appreciate them working on the new street. It is not only kind but it boosts morale, which allows the dollar to go further.

As an autodidact, I am studying economics and came across an article I've linked in my Works Cited.

"When it comes to kindness, the benefits are a two-way street. We feel more energized, happier and live longer when we perform acts of kindness. Engaging in kindness can reduce pain, stress, anxiety, depression and even blood pressure" (Faitos).

"What you put into the lives of others goes back into your own" (Faitos).

Works Cited:

Faitos, Nic. “Council Post: The Economic and Emotional Benefits of Small Acts of Kindness.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 21 Feb. 2020,
Maximum niceness is reached at the event horizon of the black hole. If you go past the event horizon and experience spaghettification, when you reach the singularity there is a scary clown - you do not want to meet him.

Only if the recipient of the niceness sees it as a weakness to be exploited i guess. :).

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