
Can't improve after 1550

Nothing I do to improve works, every player rated over 1550 spanks me every time.
I took a look at your last few losses. You seem to have the basics of opening theory down. Your last few losses seem to be due to tactics. I'd recommend doing lots of puzzles .
@myocarditis said in #1:
> Nothing I do to improve works, every player rated over 1550 spanks me every time.

You need to study and analyze your own games, and then on top of that chess improvement often needs p a t i e n c e.
Daily training is recommended. (In a PM I made you suggestions for this).
With daily training you may see clear improvement in, say, two or three months time.
And interestingly in my opinion is that with this patience building you may see more patience in your own chess games.
Stronger players often have more patience, and are able to make subtle moves or waiting moves, waiting for opponent mistakes.
First, you seem to do a lot of one-move blunders. For example, missing a chance to win a pawn after exchanges, hanging a rook, missing a free piece, etc. To fix this, you probably should double check your moves before you place them on the board and see if you have missed a way to win a piece. You also should check if your move places any of your pieces in danger.

Second, you seem to miss some tactics. I recommend you to keep doing tactics every day.
Try buying a chess course and do more puzzles
Play casual games with people rated 100+ rating higher than you and analyze those games to see how they play.

Let’s have a bit of patience here, your studying now may take awhile before you reap the benefits. That said, I’d be happy to meet up with you sometime and go over some games with you. Send me a message if you’d like to do that and we’ll get something set up!


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