
Corrupt-a-wish Game

you get a good laptop and get used to everything loading instantly but then it breaks and you are back to your old one and the change is too much for you, you fall into dark depression and end up taking your life...

i wish i had a Galaxy S8...
As soon as you get your Galaxy S8 you drop it and break the screen. Then it explodes.

I wish I was good at playing chess.
you get so good that all of the chess masters join together and send you to a tiny island with no chess board...
You did but then you realize you just made your wish.

I wish to be really good with guns.
You got so good you became a general to a ruthless dictator and the people rebelled and banished you.

I wish I had infinite wishes...
Wish granted.

None of your wishes come true, but your mind is only wishes.

I wish that these CAPTCHAs were easier.
Granted, but they're so easy spambots win them and flood the internet, destroying it and taking everyone's money.

I wish for [REDACTED]
Your parents find the redacted order form that you didn't send to the fairies secretariat. As it is a very rare and coveted object, they are at first very angry at you for your neglicence and thoughtlessness. But as you are their beloved child, and that they want the best for you, they decide to fill in the blank.
Unfortunately, they are not aware of the general terms and conditions of use (written in very very small characters on page 1, paragraph #1 of the present contract), and they wish for you to be healthy, wealthy, loved, and that your life will be long and happy.

One week later you receive the return coupon with the stamp "Wish granted" on it.

I wish for cuban cigars and rum.

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