
Jesus, bring it back

That's possible. Use the board resizing setting and your browser zoom to get the setup you want.
@lovlas "But our resources are limited. We don't have a huge Q&A team that can thorougly test everything, so some bugs are expected."

It's not about QA and bugs. It's the entire desktop design. Look at the reaction now when released. This would have been picked up earlier had it been released to a subset of users.

Anyway, it is what it is. I would strongly suggest rolling back to v1 for a while and then retry later with a desktop experience that adheres more closely to v1.
@lovlas "That's possible. Use the board resizing setting and your browser zoom to get the setup you want."

That doesn't do it. Browser zoom is too crude.
I have attempted to resize things, but I can't get it to a comfortable proportion. It's just too awkward now for my taste, and I just don't see myself enjoying playing on this server anymore. As you mentioned previously in this thread, there are a million other sites to play on. I don't want to whine endlessly, so I think I will elect to go somewhere else.

Once again, thank you for your work the past few years. I truly enjoyed playing on lichess and it was, bar-none, the best server during that time.
It was released to a subset of users.

You are overestimating the negative feedback. Obviously some are not gonna like the change. People hate change. If everyone hated it it wouldn't have happened.

Thankfully the positive feedback heavily outnumber the negative.
The font size on the chat is tiny.
If you try to resize the elements by increasing the browser zoom, it doesn't really work.
Gosh it's awful.
@lovlas You're convinced it's an improvement in the face of a lot of people telling you it is not. You dismiss the negative feedback as the product of reluctance to change. You proffer solutions that don't work. E.g. in my browser (firefox) at least, it's not possible to get a reasonable setup by zooming and resizing the board (and honestly, relying on browser zoom to fix layout issues is pretty much anti-design 101).

But of course we are all wrong and you are right. Good luck.

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