
Search "user:VulcanForge"

68 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - When will my RK rank appear?#3

I see your Racing Kings ELO in the tag that appears when I hover over your username, it is 1874.

Game analysis - Epic rook sac and lead to quick checkmate#3

The second rook sac is a blunder according to the computer analysis because it can be ignored and the current white threat is ignored. In fact, if white had no threat, two rooks for a queen possibly m…

Off-Topic Discussion - Chess Jokes#5

1. h3

Game analysis - Never lose hope#5

28. Qe2#

General Chess Discussion - A Cute Puzzle#6

I spent a while looking how to trap the knight. You don't see kings mated in the center of the board often. Then when I had an idea that I could mate, I thought "What if white goes g4-g5?" not realizi…

General Chess Discussion - A Cute Puzzle#1

I was doing puzzles this morning when I came across this nice one: I thought it was pretty cute, hope you enjoy it too.

Game analysis - dont disrespect your opponent#4

@chirinexmimix I don't think it was disrespectful, given that you did not resign in that position. @chessypiano In a time scramble it may not be possible to mate fast enough without two queens. Three …

Lichess Feedback - A game that was stopped as a draw when it was not (in fact the computer had it as checkmate)#4

You had exactly the same position on moves 60, 62, and 64. This counts as 3-fold repetition even though the moves were not consecutive. Incidentally, I'm pretty sure that black could sac the bishop fo…

Lichess Feedback - Solving problems - rated 0#5

I looked at the puzzle and I see only one good move in the position, Qxa1. What other moves were you considering in the position?

Lichess Feedback - Solving problems - rated 0#2

Can you give us an example of such a problem?
