
Search "user:BeepBeepImAJeep"

96 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Considering a move#29

I am disagreeing with you, @Sarg0n, not getting personal. You give 'advice' in #20 and I'm merely saying I'd rather listen to a good GM and a good teacher. In any case, this topic is getting derailed.…

IM BeepBeepImAJeep
General Chess Discussion - Considering a move#21

I've typed a very big message, but decided against posting. Sarg0n, all I have to say to you is that I disagree, I think you're being shortminded and I'd rather take advice conserning chess from a ver…

IM BeepBeepImAJeep
General Chess Discussion - Considering a move#17

There is no arguing with you (#15) and you're missing the points I'm making. I'm pretty much done with this 'discussion', since it's not an argument but a monologue from your part. This is why I was j…

IM BeepBeepImAJeep
General Chess Discussion - Considering a move#13

You aren't budging, whatever. I'll just say this; #1 @phlegm , stronger players ponder different candidate moves; consider traits of the position (be it open lines, strong squares, etc etc), consider …

IM BeepBeepImAJeep
General Chess Discussion - Considering a move#3

honestly, totally disagree with #2. Sure, strong players dont always use, f.i., Kotov's way of assessing positions or assessing candidate moves. There are "todo lists" for this, strong players definet…

IM BeepBeepImAJeep
General Chess Discussion - I often refuse to play when i greet a person, and that person doesn't greet me back#4

FIDE rules don't necessarily apply to online chess; for a multitude of reasons. Also considering what #2 and #3 say, I think you're kind-of in the wrong. Sure, you can abort when you want to, but I th…

IM BeepBeepImAJeep
Off-Topic Discussion - The Word Game#838


IM BeepBeepImAJeep
General Chess Discussion - Limiting the time for a move#2

I definetly dont agree with this. Although the situation you say can be (very) annoying, you and your opponent both agreed to - in this case- a 30min game and you can both choose how to use this time.…

IM BeepBeepImAJeep
General Chess Discussion - Positional Opening#9

To be honest, bullet is a different kind of animal where positional play just doesn't work as good as it should... Unless you're like 2700+ bullet. Tactics is just super important in bullet. Answering…

IM BeepBeepImAJeep
General Chess Discussion - Is it Worth Reading Chess Books?#18

Yeah, for sure. Being a good players doesn't mean you're a good teacher. When I got training, my trainer wasn't a particulary good chess-player. But he was definetly a very good trainer, having traine…

IM BeepBeepImAJeep