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28 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Racism in chess#20

I mostly agree weggman, however, even though people can't control over their skin color, it is still (generally) indicative of their culture/behavior, because it shows their (likely) upbringing.

Lichess Feedback - why there aren't any tournaments for beginners?#2

Probably because you should be focusing on improving instead of going to tournaments if your a beginner. By the way, they do have tournaments for people rated under 2000 now.

General Chess Discussion - I cannot manage time#2

Classical: Learn an opening in which you don't get trapped Bullet: Get better at classical and you will be faster

Game analysis - My first "almost" perfect game#2

Impressive for a 1345 in a blitz game. If I were to comment on the game, it would be that it's boring XD Everything is traded off and then near the end white blunders a rook. Nonetheless not bad.

Game analysis - Would u evaluate the game the same as the engine?#4

I differ from the computer evaluation on move 19. The computer and I both see a3 trapping the queen, but the computer says not playing a3 was only an inaccuracy because black gets two minor pieces out…

Lichess Feedback - Erasing Arrows and numerizing#2

If you draw an arrow, and then draw another arrow following the exact same path as the last one, it deletes both.

General Chess Discussion - MY DAILY RANT#8

Don't mean to sound harsh but that is part of what makes chess hard; the limited time.

General Chess Discussion - MY DAILY RANT#6

Well if you took long enough to achieve a winning position that you resultantly get flagged, nobody else to blame except yourself.
