
Search "user:MoerasSchuiver"

3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Time ban after ONE aborted game#7

I still don't see why it would be necessary to punish the first 'abortion' with a 10 minute ban, while a warning + explanation would do (+maybe a 30 second ban to make sure the player reads it). Maybe…

Lichess Feedback - Time ban after ONE aborted game#5

Yeah I agree with ToadofSky & ChessTroll. I'm happy that lichess actually does something about people running their clock when lost or aborting games regularly. But immediately punishing after 1 abort…

Lichess Feedback - Time ban after ONE aborted game#1

Well, I get that lichess wants us not to abort games (and especially, not run away instead of resigning). And I admire their effort. I NEVER abort games, except this one time when I misclicked on a ch…
