
Search "user:lodewijkfrederik"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Banners On Profile#4 if you download this you can make your own gifs btw.

General Chess Discussion - Hit 2000 in ultra#13

i don't think ultra or hyper make the chess worse as long as you adapt to the timecontrol and try to make good moves with more time in ultra all kind of chess can win but with more time better chess i…

General Chess Discussion - Can i unclose my account#12

if one selfclose (like what i did ) one can always reopen the accounti said it before on a forum i will reopen it and do it somewhere in august :) during the crazyhouse championschip and prob selfclos…

Game analysis - opperwezen account closed#11

I see a lot of topics are on this i can say that i selfclose it (selfclosing is perfectly fine its all according the rules on lichess)i prob reopen my account it mid augustus since i got a tournament …

Lichess Feedback - Lost on time#4

Why are you a CM? Insufficient knowledge of rules? Playing strength? Your fantasy for a real title?

General Chess Discussion - Hungry Hungry Magnus Wins Another Chicken Dinner. #24

#15 its indeed no masterpiece it was a poor game from me mainly. forget about d4 instead of slow moves Nbd2 etc if i put d6 in its fine.
