
Lichess Half-Year Update & New Feature Sneak Preview

Congrats to everyone involved in keeping the site running, improving and free!
Well done!
But I guess the Rosen score was the most interesting feature. Loved it
Thanks to Lichess for making so many changes and introducing many new features, almost loved it all. Haven't tried Tutor, would be interesting to explore it! Thanks to the team management once again!
With the external engine support will it be possible to use, say, a stockfish binary installed in the system? That is usually way faster than running it in the browser, so it would be awesome!

I am excited for the tutor.

Keep it up, lichess team, you're doin' great work!
Knowing the Lichess team quite well, I must think that the Lichess Tutor feature must already be very polished and close to release, otherwise they would never announce it.
As is my understanding, the words "feature announcement" are for all intents and purposes banned within the Lichess team :)

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