
Sick of Fisher quotes

Why so many quotes about Bobby Fisher here? Aren't there any other important player to quote about? I'm sick of reading quotes mentioning Fisher. Not that I like him; but give me a break!
Fully agree. This site is almost unusable for me with Bobby Fisher quotes!
hum.. maybe because BF's quotes are a bulk product and so a lot more easier to collect in a shorter time then the quotes of others?

What I do miss are quotes of females here since we had an thread about female chess players and the lack of females here.

Can be a start to attract females and to encourage them to join. Would later help those who are seeking female companions or gf's and soon we may have a for married couples who met here once, display their wedding pics and photographed procreations. With stickers, news-feed and like buttons.
Browsed the web and found some female Chess Player Quotes:

"I refuse to play on because there are no female quotes" -Judit Polgar

"I desperately want to be with scuffi from but I fear it will stay a dream" -Anna Endress
Too bad for you, I don t think many females will suddenly get interested in chess. Good news is that there are heaps of free porn on the internet so you will be fine till at least one of your hands is still functional.
There's many things about being a female chess player I love, such as having a plethora of single men to play anytime of the day!
I think you all are underestimating the number of females playing at

I mean, i know at least two from my country (my girlfriend and a friend of mine), and there's relatively few people from Argentina.

Must be lots of women plating lichess and nobody tells 'cause nobody asks, or don't even really matter.

PD: Bobby Fischer's quotes rock.
A sexist comment on the opposite sex. Now I feel exposed and abused. Can't hold my tears, ..need to report... Tissue-Box pls.!!

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