
Question for the ages...

Lichess seems like a mature site to play on (unlike some of the others out there) just wondering how old some of you are?

I'm 25.
19 here.

The youngest active player is some 11 years of age, to my knowledge. I'm sure we all know who he is. :)

The oldest active player I know is a very impressive 76! May he keep playing chess for ever and ever.
I'm 25 as well. I can vote, drive a car and buy booze to my heart's content.

Don't really consider myself as 'Mature' though. :p
a question of age?? I'm 54 but feel like 13 and soul is @ 631
Well I guess it IS a question for the ages....

Semantics -.-

I feel like you do, Isaiah. Sometimes I even physically feel your age or older. :\
In about 4 days of working out -- and 10 days overall -- I will be feeling like the hulk and on the job doing dumb things like a bulletproof 23 year old (I just never learn)
I liken weight-lifting to playing chess: High intensity for a short time or low intensity, high repetition, either way will give you more strength and definition.

But you should know, even 23 year olds can ruin their backs if they aren't careful.

My lower back is always sore from all the hard labor I've done, and I know people years younger than me who have back problems as well.

Sometimes I feel like an old man, not from back problems, but from the deep knowledge that I have about life. Except I lack experience (other than powerful psychedelic experiences).

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