
How to beat the Petroff Defence?

Oh man, going Nxe4 then back to f6 seems awful but maybe since white already went nef3-e5-f3 it's ok?
How to beat the Petrov seems like a title with an unsubstantiated claim.
You present two example games, but Caruana games seem more like it.
Carlsen could not beat the Petrov.
It has a ? at the end though :). Like maybe this is the answer. 0r maybe not! @tpr
Like: "How to become a millionaire overnight?"

The Petrov is rock solid and was the preferred defence of Pillsbury, Petrosian, Karpov, Caruana...
@tpr Of course I have not refuted the Petroff! That was just the name of the study. How to beat the Petroff was actually a book by Kotronias and some other guy whose name I have forgotten. The title of the study was based from that. Also, for example one of Chessable courses is named Break down Anti-Sicilians. If White manages to retain equality in one variation or is able to force a perpetual you certainly aren't gonna tell the author (a GM) that his claim was wrong?!
Book authors - or their editors - chose book titles to boost sales.

The title aside, you might add some chapters with more relevant games.
It is very hard to avoid a draw as white.
It's a common practice nowadays that the book author is a famous person and somebody else writes the book.
<Comment deleted by user>
Why would you decline a Stafford Gambit?
To refute a gambit, accept it.

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