
Anonymous games

I just want to know how to keep from getting anonymous players.
A lot of times I don't trust those players they could be cheating.
When you create a game, you can mark "only registred players" button.
Thank you so much Einsamkeit, for giving me this information I sure didn't know that. Thank you again!!!
Or play rated games. Anonymous users can't play rated games. Furthermore, if they are cheating, it doesn't affect your rating because if you are playing them, they are casual (unrated) games. ;)
But you still want to win, improve slowly, and playing against engine is quite difficult. :)
Right. To clarify, the point about rated play solving his anon issue as well was completely separate from the second point. If a rated player is cheating and not marked yet, you'll obviously lose rating.

In the latter, I meant that if the anonymous player is cheating, it's a casual game, so no rating is lost, so I'm not sure what his main concern is about playing against anon cheaters if he's only playing casual games. But I suppose it's still obnoxious.

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