
Suggestion: Create several games at the same time


As always, thanks for your amazing work. I have a suggestion for improving the site.

I think that it would be great if we could have several game offers available at the same time.

For example I don't mind playing King of the Hill or 3 check chess, so I would like to create 3 different offers:

3+2 normal chess
3+2 KotH
3+2 3-checks

And then play against the first one that an opponent chooses.

Well, I hope you take this into account. Thank you!
I agree. I've been thinking about it myself and think it would be useful.
I've suggested this before. I think it's a good idea, but thibault thinks it would clutter the graph too much. Perhaps a limit could be placed on the number of offers.
yes it would clutter as you have to set a limit say 3 challenges at max and it wont clutter that much as most of us are not going to set multiple challenges at the same time.
Good ideas, but too much information can hinder, confuse a little.

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