
I reached 2200 in Rapid. Help me reach 2300!


What kind of puzzles do you do?
I also did puzzles for 6 months every single day, sometimes for hours, but i did not improve my tactical abilities at all.
@sameartist said in #11:
> @GoodGamerpro100
> What kind of puzzles do you do?
> I also did puzzles for 6 months every single day, sometimes for hours, but i did not improve my tactical abilities at all.

Any puzzle, but mostly the ones that make you uncomfortable (because that's how you know what your weakness is). Lichess has good puzzles. If that doesn't work for you, you should try checking out Dvoretsky's "Recognising your opponent's resources" book.
@sameartist said in #3:
> Even my puzzle storm score is quite bad.
Leave it. Anyone with a good mouse and a basic understanding of tactics may well get above 80 at least. Concentrate more on puzzle streak.
EDIT: I don't have that fast type of mouse so my scores are kinda ..... a bit less.
A Chess book that meets your criteria @sameartist is Endgame Strategy by Mikhail Sherevesky which is also available in Chess Video form

Show me even a one person who has more than 60 score and is below 2300.

I mean, every kind of puzzle is hard for me if I have to calculate a lot, but even if I do it systematically I seem to not improve.
I like puzzle storm, because the motifs are very realistic, but seem to hit plateu.
How did you reach that high of a level? Just by doing Lichess puzzles?
Hitting the wall and tilting everyone does experience that. I do not know I can be wrong. In my case, my mistake is that not finishing the chess books/ training plans. Lesson I learn I got to finish it if once I started. Else, you need to start another training plan again. And that is what's happening to me I am in square one again. I just jump from one book to another book and get back to the original chess book. And jump again to another training plan.
I was in 2200 for almost a year, and it felt like it was my limit (like you). I’m actually not sure about the reasons of me hitting 2300. From about 2180 I went on a crazy win streak ( around 15. Don’t say that’s not my highest win streak, I lost a casual match with worstfish). According to me, it was mainly due to:

-Stopping bullet temporarily in that period. If you wanna improve rapid, play only rapid. Try out openings in 3+2 or 5+0/3
-Improve endings, especially rook endings and king-and-pawn endings.
-Stopping RK(for me it was RK, generally any variant)
-Start taking more time to make my moves
-Stop playing hourly rapid arenas, I felt like I would learn more by playing a player of my rating rather than playing 5 games with lower rateds. But arenas help us improve our tactics and attacking ability. What I did was play arenas till ~2150 and then play in the lobby or quick pairing.
-Take your games more seriously. This drastically increases your chances of spotting weaknesses and blunders and realising your opponents’ threats.
-Play in a noise and disturbance free place.

I guess those should help :)
@sameartist said in #15:
> @SwApNeEl1
> Show me even a one person who has more than 60 score and is below 2300.
Certainly. In the 199th position of the classical leaderboard stands (@)Rasita, who has never got to 2300 in any control. Yet, his score is 61. If u go to his profile, u will be dumbfounded. Even I was at first.
EDIT: Proofs -
@sameartist said in #3:
> @KickingKnights
> You are right, my tactical abilities is pretty mediocre at best, but i have done many puzzles and i can not really improve that much.
> Even my puzzle storm score is quite bad.
> How can i improve it?
> I have done more than 8000 puzzles...
Have u heard of the website ""?? Or ever read their founder's blogs?? If no, then go read them for generous advice (which is genuine too) for self-improvement. They will suggest excellent resources to improve ur growth. Perhaps, this might be better than just sitting here and raving about "how to reach 2300". I trust that it will lead to excellent chess growth.
PS - But to reach ur goal, u need to work for it and most importantly, DESERVE it. Sitting around lazily won't do anything.
@SwApNeEl1 said in #18:
> Certainly. In the 199th position of the classical leaderboard stands (@)Rasita, who has never got to 2300 in any control. Yet, his score is 61. If u go to his profile, u will be dumbfounded. Even I was at first.
> EDIT: Proofs -

He is a very strong player.
2200 in Classical is very damn good, he is top 200 and improving(he recently hit his record)
99% of the people who have 60+ Puzzle storm are 2300+ easily

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