
Can anyone analyze this game that i didn't play well in?

I asked 2 takebacks, my friend asks a million, can anyone analyze the game and tell me what i did wrong?
first mistake: 3..Qe7, should be Be7 second mistake: 8..Rf8, should be d5, with better/winning position
Third mistake: Ng4, should be Nc6. After he blunders Queen the game is sealed
Mistakes made by white brought the queen out very early . First develop your minor pieces. moved queen many times instead you develop more pieces. two minor pieces for a rook. Don't do this but exceptions exist.
4. Always play carefully you just blundered you queen
You were playing black right? Qh5 attacks your e pawn. Because of this Nc6 would be a good reply. After Nc6 you will be able to play pawn to g6 to attack the queen which will probably move back to f3 at this level. With Nf6 you defend against scholars mate a second time and have better development than white. Continuing plans could be to finachetto the f bishop and castle.

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