
Make your voice heard on Lichess priorities

> Do you want the truth, or what I'd like to be true?

Either one is fine. Only caveat is - if someone doesn't have an opinion on something, they should not rank/vote on it. Unless there's a "don't care" option of course.
If any of you experienced 403 Forbidden today while trying to fill out the poll, it was because I IP banned you due to suspicious looking activity in the logs.

Well, it turns out that activity was actually my fault. The issue has been fixed and the 15-20 folks who were IP banned are no longer. Sorry for the inconvenience.
@schlawg said in #12:
> If any of you experienced 403 Forbidden today while trying to fill out the poll, it was because I IP banned you due to suspicious looking activity in the logs.
> Well, it turns out that activity was actually my fault. The issue has been fixed and the 15-20 folks who were IP banned are no longer. Sorry for the inconvenience.
nice slap by the way...
couldn't do the drag questions because using phone maybe.
i have a Q
y is this Questionnaire looking just like lichess?
Firefox on Android doesn't support html5 drag and drop. I recommend dropping into Chrome if you care to vote on the two ranking questions. I just discovered that issue yesterday and haven't thought about a solution yet.

It looks like Lichess because it is Lichess code.
@schlawg said in #15:
> Firefox on Android doesn't support html5 drag and drop. I recommend dropping into Chrome if you care to vote on the two ranking questions. I just discovered that issue yesterday and haven't thought about a solution yet.
> It looks like Lichess because it is Lichess code.

i used android chrome sir updated to the latest version & the drag just not working.

It’s very nice!
may u just introduce this as a feature, it can benefit lichess & its people very much indeed. n

Does the element not "detach" from the page after a long press?

By latest version I assume you mean Chrome but what version of Android are you on?
That survey doesn't work properly. I don't understand most of the questions, e. g. what arrows are they talking about? Or what would "more tailored notifications" be? I can't connect those short descriptions with any examples on this page I use for more than 7 years.

And why does it say "You can't post in the forums yet. Play some games!" in the survey page?
I tried to answer the "wish for bugfix" question but the answer was not accepted. (It sisn't accept more typed letters.)

So the survey seems like some insider-developper-chat. Nothing a normal user can handle.
O, I caught you just in time. There is one critical thing that needs to be said.

I prefer longer controls. So the idea came up to create a team to find players. That is, a lobby for classical games. For example, that in the forum threads of the team could write posts and so find players. But I found out that threads are automatically archived in lichess, so it breaks the possibility of normal communication. And implementing my idea is problematic.

This is very strange behavior. Not only does preventing me from implementing my idea, but it also prevents someone from responding to a blog post. For example, because all the discussion threads are soon archived. So one can only responds to recent blog posts and can't discuss them further. I don't understand why they did that.

It completely destroys communication. This is worse than the 80 character limit in your poll, which doesn't allow one to fully describe the suggestion.

Since the 80 character limit, I describe it here:
"I request this feature:
Improve the lobby functionality so you can add your own requirements. Better to find players to play, improve the lobby functionality so you can add your own requirements to find players you need. For example require blindfold or require cooperative analysis after game or from position or something else. There is no need to add requirements by developers. Instead, add the ability for users to add requirements (short title and full description). So that eventually the user can just check the boxes next to the necessary requirements and sort the list of players in the lobby by this way. And when creating a game, it will also be possible to simply check the necessary requirements, if they exist, or create new ones. You can also add the ability to attach an optional message to the requested game. You can also add a search for players who match these preferences (if they wish). (Who played the relevant games, as well as search for played games themselves.) Thanks to this, it will even be possible to create autogenerated teams. For example, those who play blindfold, or those who play a certain opening, or those who like to do cooperative analysis, and so on.
If you add this functionality, there will be no need to create special teams for that purpose. Although I have some thoughts on how to do this using teams, but I'm not sure if this will work. Also, it probably wouldn't be as convenient as doing it through a centralized lobby. Also, if you use a centralized lobby to do it, everyone will be aware of this possibility. And if doing it through the special team, then not many people will know about that team."

I also have another mysterious lamp desire. After I have saw , I realize that Win% and Accuracy% values are more understandable for evaluating a move. So it is worth to add them for computer analysis, not only for the whole game, but also for each individual move.

And again, autoarchiving threads in the forums is like a bug in my opinion. This is most critical.

I'd like to know if the suggestions even make sense. (Write me later about the developers' reactions to my suggestions and other users suggestions.)
For example, I read about one suggestion ( I do repost it ( here:
"Proposal for an additional feature for Classical Tournaments (by Moritex)

Classical Tournaments with "real" classical time control (for example 60+30, we played in our Lichess team "Classical Weekend") run over several days (or weeks), especially in Swiss tournament format. It often happens that a player can not play every round, but misses (forgets) to pause his participation. So he is paired, and his opponent (in the above mentioned time control) has to wait 1 hour before winning the game. That could be very frustrating for the waiting player.

Here is a prosposal to solve this problem:
In Classical Tournaments (only in Classical tournaments, maybe only in Classical tournaments in Swiss format, so the Arena format would not be touched) after every round every(!) player will be paused by Lichess tournament management and has to activate/reenter befothe next round starts. If he does not, than the Lichess tournament management will not pair him for this round (as it is already now).

I hope the idea is good and it could be realized without much effort.

What do you think?"

I don't think adding auto-exit after the end of a round requires much code. But there seems to be zero reaction. And people who play classical have to run tournaments manually.
My personal opinion on this:
It is necessary to add pre-registration to a tournament and after ending of the round to transfer players from the state "participant" to the state "pre-registration". Thus will be visible those who are going to participate in the tournament, but at the same time the final participation should be confirmed in 10 minutes (for example) before the start of the round, so that the pairing of those who really participate will be made.
Social media links
WTF is it? I assume this is about you? )
> --------
> Social media links
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> WTF is it? I assume this is about you? )

All details in the schlawg user profile on this server are randomly assembled from a list of options, just like every other generated user on They are generated by spamdb - a tool that populates dev databases with spam data to facilitate making & testing changes to the lichess source code.

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