
not fair to poor untitled players

Titled players can join ALL tournaments even if they've not played enough games in the variant/time control???
Yes, we can.
We dont have to get 2200+ when joining elite arenas or play the minimum games required for variants and time controls.
Indeed, those are the benefits of being titled player.
I can see see your point "not fair" in variants, but not in case we are talking about time controls.
Titles are earned OTB which means that we have years of experience.
All titled players have filled the verification form and had to reveal their identity to lichess.
That means, that the administration of this site knows who we are in real life, so were are less likely going to cheat or to verbal abuse - since we are not completely anonymous here.
And in my case - I am not strong enough to get the "real" title, I am even revealing my gender - and the downside of it was discussed in the blog just recently.
I hope it explains.
Yours, Funkmaus, Weak FM :-)

If you don't mind me asking, what are the downsides? Is it because you have to pay special attention on the site since people may infer who are, or is it something else entirely?

I'm not too knowledgeable about how many WFMs there are compared to other titles, nor have I thought about the downsides to being titled, but you have piqued my curiosity!
Dear @chummer - I do mind asking. :<
Sorry, but I am not going to answer your question.
Please, this is completely off-topic here - I am not participating in those discussions - I have refrained from posting under the blog, - you can check pages of it under:
Just read the article, scroll down to the forum discussion and you will see on your own what it means to be a female in the mens dominated chess world.
I wish you happy chessing and all best. :-)
@GKB38 Isn't it an advantage to the poor untitled player to have more experience in the particular variant. The skill of the titled player, unfamiliar with the variant, doesn't necessarily apply to many variants with wild different rules. Plus, it gives you the opportunity to play against someone really skilled. Only disadvantage is it might reduce your chances of winning the tourney.
@Funkmaus Tigran petrosian cheated and brewington is 11 and a national master so they don't all have years of experience and mostly titled players cheat

Thanks for the reply, and best wishes! I appreciated the link to the blog (and learned that Lichess has blogs), and wish you all the best in this holiday season and in the new year!
Inspired my funkmaus' courage in revealing her gender, i have chosen today to reveal mine.

i am a man.

wow, really takes a load off.

i am willing to answer any questions you might have about what my experience has been like as a man, how women treat me, how other men treat me, how society's expectations for men have affected me, what the downsides of being a man are, etc.

just whatever you want to ask, go right on ahead. i am feeling really brave today.
I see 3 ways for not revealing someones gender.

1. By not applying for a title on this site.

2. If Lichess gives opportunity for displaying some kind of "generic title". You apply with your real title, but you can chose the generic title or your real title for display.

3. If FIDE changes the title regulations:
WGM -> FM or IM?
WIM -> CM or FM?
WFM -> new title for all with 2100 Elo or more
WCM -> new title for all with 2000 Elo or more

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