
I can't create a rated 960 correspondence game for some reason?

Not understanding why it won't let me click on rated and seems stuck on casual.
I presume the reason for that is for Correspondence games it's very hard to detect whether players are cheating so those are excluded. (e.g. there's no Leaderboard for standard CC)
Time control doesn't matter, tried 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, I just cant make a rated correspondence game. If the reason is cheating, I think that is whacky. I see people with rated standard chess correspondence games.
That's it actually. Cant make any correspondence 960 rated games. If you want to play rating you have to play real time.
Well. That is an observation, not a reason. I can't think of any logical reason not to allow it. Maybe it is just a tad of extra work that they haven't gotten around too? Or maybe they dont think there are enough people interested for a rating system to be viable. (Do they have a separate rating system for correspondence/normal chess games?)
The logical reason is that we received an overwhelming number of complaints in the forum about variant leaderboards and correspondence, and we're not making new rating categories at this time.
Yes, how could anyone forget the integrity of a leaderboard that lumps 1+0 and 180+180 together?

How does correspondence undermine the leaderboards in such a way that really long live time controls do not?
@ArtNJ Did you actually read #3 ?
For correspondence games it's hard to test if someone cheats. E.g. in a live game if someone alt tabbed away after every move while it's them to move, chances are they might be cheating.
In correspondence on the other hand that's quite normal. You check what they played but then decide to think about your move some other day. Now you wouldn't want to ban people for that just because it could also be used for cheating. So the solution is, remove incentive to cheat in correspondence, by making standard correspondence not count for the leaderboard so people don't try to cheat to get there.

For variants it's not really worth splitting the rating according to live/correspondence. So to remove incentive to cheat in chess960 correspondence games to get on the leaderboard they just don't allow rated chess960 correspondence games.

@Chuck_Fess Same thing, even for 180+180 you have quite a few more things to monitor to detect cheating that you just can't really use for correspondence.
#8 Honestly, I favor removal of rating-based leaderboards but it isn't my call.

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