
Peak rating

I'm currently at my peak blitz rating.I need 11 more points for my goal.
@giannistst12 said in #31:
> I'm currently at my peak blitz rating.I need 11 more points for my goal.
I am sure you will get seem a strong player
@chessplayerVarun said in #32:
> I am sure you will get seem a strong player
But the problem is that his opponents are presumably also strong players.
@Pi_Addict111 yes you're right,and the thing is that with one loss (say against a 2100) I need like 6-7 wins at best to get my rating back...
Doesn't peak rating mean it's the best rating you can achieve or get to with any amount of trying, like your limit? So wouldn't it be better to say something like "my highest rating", or personal best/record, HAE/HAR (highest achieved Elo/rating)...
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