
Tactics Puzzle 62115

Unfortunately, I'm can't figure out how to attach the board here. So, tagging a link to the game instead.

White to play. The solution goes as-
25. Rc7 Ra2
26. Kc1 Bd5
27. Rc8 Bf8
28. Nc6 Rxb2
29. Kxb2 ... Piece advantage for white.

What forces Rxb2 for black?
Well, just turning on the engine in this position would answer your question but I'll give you the answer: White is threatening Ne7, which would currently be mate. Sure, black can prevent that from being mate but then after Ne7+ the bishop on d5 will fall and white is winning. So instead of losing a piece the engine gives the exchange.
That was super rookie lol. Didn't realize the bishop control on g7. Thanks a lot!
No problem :)
Everyone has this moments where one just can't understand the situation, I know that as well!

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