
Puzzle Rush


Demand for Feature: I don't know how high the demand is for this feature. I would think we would need to do a strawpoll or something similar to decide how many people on lichess would want a puzzle mode competition feature. Before the developers write any code I would think that maybe 10% of lichess community base is high enough for this feature. So about 2,500-3,500 people since that's the peak of the users on lichess on a daily basis.

Specifics of the Puzzle Feature: Well I opened a ticket on github on this issue. But to address this further you would need to have a strawpoll or maybe post a lichess discussion to decide specifically what type of puzzle mode that would be needed.

Option 1: It's possible to program something exactly like puzzle rush and name it something differently and have various time controls instead of just 5min time limit to choose from manually. That would be something that i think most people may not like since it's similar to chessdotcom. But this option would be the easiest to program i think.

Option 2: Another option would be to have a head to head competition between friends or opponents and have various time controls for this. For this to be effective you need to have the same puzzles for the 2 people to see who can solve the most in a time control.

Option 3: The last option and probably the hardest to implement would be the puzzle tournaments. Everybody would get the same puzzles and have a certain time limit to solve as many as they can. You can berserk a puzzle and get more points or lose a point if you get it wrong.

I guess that people need to decide which specific feature they want out of these three options. Not sure which option is feasible for programmers of lichess to program all three options over time. My personal thoughts on this would be to program the easiest feature of this, which is option 1 and see if there are at least 3000 people playing this puzzle mode on a daily basis and increasing even more over time. If that occurs then lichess can consider option 2 and option 3 as well in the future.
i agree option 1 would be great. two and three i would imagine be lots of additional work
I think there are a lot of nice ideas we (lichess team) could implement into this "puzzle rush idea".

1) Set the timer to fixed time controls: 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 minutes
2) Choose what kind of puzzles do you want to solve: mates, winning free (or less) material, promotion puzzles, or mixed.
3) Increase the difficulty of the puzzles after:
a) 10, 15, 20 correctly solved
b) a cycle of one type puzzles (if mixed)
c) after you missed a puzzle you may get a chance (a bonus) to solve it (these - no more than 3 or 5 you missed) in the last 10 seconds
d) adjust the difficulty to your selected level (A1 - 600-700, A2-700-800, etc.)

There could be the selection of "mate only" puzzles, but with the specific number of moves. Let's say I would like to solve "mate in 1, 2, 3" (only) and I would like to get these in specific number of puzzles to solve 20 (#1), 30, (#2), 50 (#3). Some people would like to have "winning material" puzzles - win a free material 20 (queens), 30 (rooks), (50 bishops and knights) and 100 (pawns). There are combinational motifs (circa 30-35 like chesstempo mentions) and we could have them practiced (forks, double attacks, etc.).

Anyway thank you for great disccusion. I am really happy we can discuss it and after some thoughts and lichess team decision - we could have a new great feature without being accused of "stealing or mechanically copying" other people (servers) idea. Lichess is the best team and community in the world and we can prove it is true :).

In general I think we can extend and use the original idea to create a way better and more creative "puzzle rush" new feature.
Puzzle rush on lichess would be amazing. Lichess could name it "Tactics Rush"!
Please implement some form of puzzle rush. I even bought a subscription on the otherwise clearly inferior , just for it.
I would like to see a game where you play against somebody else solving puzzles say first to 15 puzzles would win the rating points. You can see what puzzle they are on but not them moving the pieces.
Puzzle rush or something similar on lichess would be awesome...
But not head to head puzzle solving competition please, that sounds pretty useless. Puzzle rush is fun and good training. So, I would like something similar i.e. option1.
To those saying that copying ideas or features is wrong, here is some interesting info about puzzle rush type of feature: chess24 had something similar to puzzle rush long before, but chess24 were stingy about it. Only maximum of 5 puzzles were allowed for free accounts even within speed training of 5 min. Also, rating of puzzles on chess24 is really messed up. There is another site called blitz tactics, they also have features similar to puzzle rush before But, I suspect that their collection of puzzles is small in number.
So, the concept of puzzle rush itself is not original. took that concept and implemented it nicely and since they have a pretty large collection of good puzzles with fair ratings, puzzle rush on is great.
I think lichess can also implement something similar. Because I think lichess would also have huge collection of good puzzles with fair ratings. Though, ratings of puzzles above 2000 seems tricky on lichess. That would not be a factor in puzzle rush because most of the puzzles would be under 2000.
Fun, but on I don't like the three-strikes-out thing and also I hate's limit on puzzles each day. They say that they're ordinary people who need money to survive on which is why they make people pay for memberships, but look how well lichess is doing!

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