
How can India's Economy be improved?

How can India's Economy be improved? Do you have any ideas?

I know this has nothing to do with chess and hence it is an 'off-topic' discussion
Often, the smartest and most talented people in India (doctors, software engineers, etc) will leave India to pursue employment elsewhere in the world, because they will have more stability that way.

If at some point these people returned to India, this would increase the number of educated people in the country who have high level skills, which in turn would improve India's economy.

This is not to say that I impune people whatsoever for doing this- I understand why they do this, but if they returned it would be a boon for the Indian economy.
not only the smartest and talented, a lot of other people come to other countries for much better opportunities, more specifically the US.

Yes, this is true. In any case, it leaves the countries that they came from with fewer workers and it gives more workers to the country that they enter- if you look at the economy of Germany for example, it increased substantially following migration from a number of countries.

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