
Offering a Rematch After a Win

I was playing a match today, and when I offered a rematch after winning my opponent got mad and told me that was rude. Is it considered rude to offer a rematch after winning a game? Do you find it rude? Should I stop doing that? I don't personally find it to be rude but if that's some unwritten rule that I'm not aware of it would be nice to know :)

Lots of chatter about rematches recently. IMO it is sporting to offer a rematch if you win, as if to say, "I respect you enough to believe you have a chance at winning playing the other color."
A rematch shouldn't be taken as an insult, its normal to offer one so that both players can start with white.
of course you were not rude, but losing, sting sometimes
rematch "etiquette" is extremely fickle and people have all kinds of weird thoughts on it. the only way to be sure you don't offend anyone is to never offer rematches at all :o
I wouldn't worry about it. Everything can be considered offensive, including resigning, or whatever.
@jujugaga I agree with your idea. Personally I feel the winning player should offer the rematch in the spirit of competition. As the losing player, it is natural to feel down after a losing so it can certainly be upsetting if you are looking for a rematch and the winner declines and runs off to play another game. Ideally no one should ever be upset and we all should approach this as fun/ learning experience but of course this not the case in reality.

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