
Blitz... Is it worth it?

Blitz is very different than classical chess but it has huge utility, I agree with everything that @Sarg0n has said and I would also add that blitz is a great way to find holes in your opening repertoire. I've had games where I learned something from playing a lot of blitz, and in some of these blitz games I lost. However, after that, then I played correctly in my classical game and went on to win.

It's also useful I think because during a classical game, at some point you will be low on time. You need to move fast in that case.
Totally agree with @Sarg0n . A friend of mine was 1800 in blitz, he reached 2000 blitz. he used to play only 3+0 and like 1 casual rapid game in 3 days. Now he is a 2100 rapid, Earlier was 1900 rapid.
As many have already said, blitz more relies on intuition, a vital part of chess.
Also: Shorter time control means you can get more games in; very convenient for practicing openings.

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