
Breaking the Silence

Do I understand correctly that Lichess is calling on us all World to beat Ramirez to death with sticks? Or again I misunderstood something?
who got banned by Lichess? if he did it, do the people he did it to have a moral right to be listened to? people get falsely accused sometimes, but the organizations didn't report it to the cops, they didnt take any realistic steps to ascertain the truth, they apparently hushed it up. Lichess made a common sense decision to listen to a number of women, and decided to end an association with US Chess. i dont see how USCF is all that affected.

at any rate, just sweeping the matter under the rug is not treating both sides with respect.
This is a completely unacceptable over-reaction by lichess.

@chessnotes cannot and will not support such extreme and unwarranted actions.

There are many women who make false and vicious accusations against men for many reasons (money, hate, spite, etc.).

Each accusation must be treated individually with the understanding that the accused is considered INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty in a Court of Law.

Until lichess supports FAIR and LEGAL treatment of all accusations and situations, @chessnotes withdraws support of lichess.
Jesus was for the Jews clearly a baddie, insulting their god, for the young Christians a god himself, how to tell? and by whom?..

You can actually ask God Himself by prayer.
@chessnotes said in #453:
> This is a completely unacceptable over-reaction by lichess.
> @chessnotes cannot and will not support such extreme and unwarranted actions.
> There are many women who make false and vicious accusations against men for many reasons (money, hate, spite, etc.).
> Each accusation must be treated individually with the understanding that the accused is considered INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty in a Court of Law.
> Until lichess supports FAIR and LEGAL treatment of all accusations and situations, @chessnotes withdraws support of lichess.

Some guys even protect repeat offenders.

Maybe we can put some sugar on those Rapeirez & Randyrez dudes?
@chessnotes said in #453:
> This is a completely unacceptable over-reaction by lichess.
Many people here would beg to differ

> @chessnotes cannot and will not support such extreme and unwarranted actions.

Nobody cares much what you do, hate to break it to you but facts..
> There are many women who make false and vicious accusations against men for many reasons (money, hate, spite, etc.).

Really? You sound bitter. There are many women who make true and genuine allegations because they are true... and probably also some that do as you say, but in all likelihood they are a minority

> Each accusation must be treated individually with the understanding that the accused is considered INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty in a Court of Law.

So in your book, any woman who makes an allegation against a man is a vicious liar until proven otherwise in a court? Because if he is innocent, she must be lying. Okaaayy... good luck with that. What if I told you that often, if not usually, in court, it is not the side of truth that wins but the side with the best lawyer? Witnesses commit perjury, and judges (the ones I have experienced) are mostly straight but a few are bent. I would say this was a conspiracy theory except I have witnessed it first hand sadly

> Until lichess supports FAIR and LEGAL treatment of all accusations and situations, @chessnotes withdraws support of lichess.

Well your account is closed now, an hour after your comment, so it's kind of irrelevant what you do, isn't it?
Do these women have video evidence that these men did these things? If they do then the men should be crucified upside-down. But on the other hand all these women may be lying and ruining an innocent man's image. Many innocent men have served hard times due to women who lied and hence concrete evidence should always be brought forward before going on with this character assassination.
@SixtySecondsOfHell said in #437:

> If other men are violent or harass women, that's not my problem.

Good to see you are a caring, community-minded individual, just look the other way and it will all be fine and go away like it's not even happening..

> I do think chess is too personal of an environment for most women, who normally wouldn't spend hours across a table with men in whom they have no interest.

I'm sorry but what the AF is this bullshit comment? How do you know what "most women" think? Why shouldn't they spend time playing chess with whoever TF they want to? What if there aren't female opponents or, WHAT IF the women don't care about the gender of their opponent as much as you do? I certainly don't care. If I only played against other women on Lichess, I would be waiting a couple of weeks (or months) for a pairing and would have to give up playing in arenas, Lichess Bundesliga, Rapid League and various Classical knockouts, Swiss and Round Robin Tournaments because most of these are mostly populated by men.

You think because a woman spends hours playing chess with men (like I do for example, only not OTB because not much OTB here) should have to be somehow "interested" in those men??!!!! ffs... My "interest" in my male (and female) opponents tends to be directed towards their moves and the position/threats that they create and how to counter them. If they are a friend well then the interest is also spending time with a friend. Like all normal people do...

>Maybe women should start a movement to train overweight and unattractive women to play chess and flood the tournament hall with that.

Again, WTAF is this crap? Don't even know where you are going with this? Are you a weirdo or an incel or something? idk...


Oh, well then of course if you say you are joking then that excuses pretty much any asshole comment, all good then!

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