
Is there a way to prevent an user from watching our TV ?

Is there an issue with a user from spectating you?
I had someone randomly follow me one day and spectate me for some of my games. They only seemed to enjoy watching me play chess.
Unless the user is stalking you by joining the same tournaments as you or responding to most/all of your forum posts, you should not be concerned.

You could also just kindly ask them to stop watching your games.
@eidospiel said in #10:
> Right! I can return the compliment.
> You, the first of the three moron riders on this forum (including cedur the coprolite sprayer, and vapepen, the neurotic who thinks he's 1900 because he plays ultrabullet), who still believes that the title of NM brings any privilege, also believing that the status of inveterate advisor suits him. Lmfao. You are more hated than I am here.
> And i was waiting for your comment!
> Free roast but you seem to be always begging for it.

Who are these lichess players that hate Mr Pushwood?
@Le_Patzer83 said in #13:
> Who are these lichess players that hate Mr Pushwood?
I made a comparative estimate, saying that he is more hated than I am. It's not a question of "who." Why ask the question in this way? You're not hiding anything.
@eidospiel said in #1:
> I don't want a puppy constantly watching me. And blocking isn't enough
They probably just want to learn from you :) Spectators are pretty harmless.
I don’t mind people watching my crappy games. Lol! Watch, learn, laugh at my blunders. Record my games and put them on YouTube and dissect them if you wish. Submit my worst losses to Gotham Chess’s “Guess the Elo” thing he does. I honestly couldn’t care less and I’m not just saying that either. Patzer is in my name! I’m fully aware that Magnus isn’t losing sleep thinking about me and my patzer prowess.

Actually the spectator intentionnally trolled, both by private message and by spectating. I forgot to precise that. But it's kinda fixed.
But thanks for the answer, to you and Thinkus. It's appreciated :)
@Le_Patzer83 said in #16:
> I don’t mind people watching my crappy games. Lol! Watch, learn, laugh at my blunders. Record my games and put them on YouTube and dissect them if you wish. Submit my worst losses to Gotham Chess’s “Guess the Elo” thing he does. I honestly couldn’t care less and I’m not just saying that either. Patzer is in my name! I’m fully aware that Magnus isn’t losing sleep thinking about me and my patzer prowess.

BRO. Does your incoherence increase each time you post something according to a coefficient that we would ignore ? That is absolutely not the point. I played perfect games and crap games as well today, but that is still not the point! Please read the whole post carefully und make sure to understand it. Everything is in the title.
@eidospiel said in #18:
> BRO. Does your incoherence increase each time you post something according to a coefficient that we would ignore ? That is absolutely not the point. I played perfect games and crap games as well today, but that is still not the point! Please read the whole post carefully und make sure to understand it.

Lol!! First, I’m not your bro. Second, I read your amusing posts and you’re ready to block people for watching your games. All I’m saying is stop caring so much what other people do. Nobody should be so insecure as to be triggered to the point of blocking someone because a random person decided to spectate. If you are just trying to be funny, you’re succeeding. If not, well I feel sorry for you if that’s the case. Best of luck either way. And thanks for dodging my question about Mr Pushwood. You claim he is hated, as if it’s some sort of fact, but can’t name a single hater. It’s funny how ridiculous claims have a tendency of crumbling to dust when someone asks for some form of evidence. Keep going though, because this is seriously as entertaining as that guy who claimed to be a Racing Kings prodigy.

Userfriendly2, can you pass me the popcorn? Ha ha ha!

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