
Laptop heating up

Is there something wrong with the combination of Google Chrome on a Mac and Lichess? My laptop starts overheating and eventually shuts down every time I play more than 3 games in a row.
You have to run the engine on a different machine ;)

(And yes, I am just pulling your leg, not being serious).

With that said, what browser are you using? Is this just a Lichess thing? Browser extensions could be a problem. Lichess only on any reasonably useful machine with no engine running (so it will get warm when you're analyzing a game) should not be a problem.
@nohandlebars said in #1:
> Is there something wrong with the combination of Google Chrome on a Mac and Lichess?

Have you ever considered your laptop has something wrong with it?
Overheating is more often than not, issues with fans, or maybe you are blocking the arflow if you have your laptop on your, well, lap, while being on the bed, with the bed sheets blocking the vents.

There may be a lot of stuff going wrong there, a neutral solution if you dont want to take your pc to a repair shop is to buy a base for it with integrated fans.
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Make sure you update your OS and the browser to the latest, in case there are security updates.
Right - there's lots of debugging steps here. The community is going to be happy to help, but you're going to have to share a few more details. What does Activity Monitor show? What browser extensions to you have? What version of Mac OS? What version of Chrome? What version of the Apple hardware?
Very unusual for this to happen if you're just playing a game, but using the engine for post-game analysis chews up cpu usage, and will sometimes cause overheating and your fan to kick in
Shouldn't overheat from chess, maybe the laptop is old and you need to change the thermal paste. Make sure the airflow is uninterrupted by dust or anything else.

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