
I clicked Draw but didn't get it

We had done the 3 move thing, " claim Draw " lit up , I clicked it but the other player moved instead .... How does it work ?..What have I missed ?
I think if you want to offer a draw then you have to click on it twice in order to send the draw offer to the other player. If that does not work then maybe your opponent is declining the draws - you can see if this happens on the chat. Hope this helps.
If your move leads to 3 fold repetition, then what you should do is: click draw offer button THEN make the move which leads to 3fold repetition. AFAIK this results in an automatic draw claim. Otherwise your opponent can move and change the position.
It is automatic rule.

You are missing the fact that the 'position' didn't appear for third time.
See properly, the same position occurred on moved 20 and 22. Had Black played 22. Na3 and you then played 23. Qb2 then it would be technically threefold repetition draw.
The position only appeared for 2 times.
@FogMovesOnCatsPaws go to site settings --> game behavior and choose "always automatically claim draw" then you don't need to worry about that anymore
@Akbar2thegreat said in #4:
> You are missing the fact that the 'position' didn't appear for third time.
I think it was three times after *white's* moves 19,21 and 23. It appears, that you either have to set "Claim automatically" like Cedur216 described, or in lichess it will not always be possible to claim a 3-fold, if your opponents is fast enough.
Oh! Seems like it is me who missed it. Also, I didn't think about the preference in settings regarding threefold repetition.
Btw 5-fold becomes automatic regardless of your settings ;)
@Cedur216 said in #8:
> Btw 5-fold becomes automatic regardless of your settings ;)
Yes, it is automatic but what is 5-fold?

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