
Search "user:FutureBoy"

44 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - multiple accounts#14

I'm not sure you can always tell who you're playing based only on their openings and style. But if you really can then they don't have the advantage you say they do of wearing a mask.

Lichess Feedback - Can We Turn Off Two Click Moving?#1

I'd like to be able to turn off the two click moving, where you click on the square a piece is on, and then click on the square you want it to move to. I've had so many accidental moves the last few w…

Lichess Feedback - 6 points for Beserk on streak #3

I'm not interested in beserking, but for those who do beserk, I always feel like 1 extra point insn't enough reward.

Lichess Feedback - Monthly marathon tournaments anyone???#5

Or maybe the monthly bullet/monthly blitz tournaments could be extended so that they've a couple of hours longer, making them a kind of half marathon. The reason I'd like that is because if the next m…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: Player's rank#12

Even if the rank means nothing, it's still fun to check once in a while to see where you are. I really like that you've added this feature!

Lichess Feedback - Don't switch in the middle of a game on Lichess TV (feature request)#6

I agree. Very annoying. Sometimes I'm lost in watching a game, it switches, and I don't even know who was playing, so I can't go and find the game again.

Lichess Feedback - New training tool suggestion#12

I'd never heard of anything like this before, but it sounds like a good idea.

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: Achievements/Trophies/Badges page#2

Sounds good to me. There could be hard-to-earn long-term achievements that are always there to be earned. There could also be time-sentisitive ones, related to certain tournaments or specific challeng…

Lichess Feedback - Top 100 lists?#10

I always agree everytime this is suggested.

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: Player's rank#4

