
Search "user:Legit-Lobster"

52 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lichess, please!!! 0+0,5 seconds mode#37

I don't think chess is the game for you. Have you tried quake? It's really good.

Game analysis - Meaning of advantage...#3

The advantage is supposed to be roughly equivalent to the number in pawns.

Lichess Feedback - Ability to move around pieces in analysis mode#2

I assume it's to prevent you from moving pieces into impossible positions which would bamboozle the engine.

Lichess Feedback - Strong language and assoulting private messages#2

This is the internet.

Lichess Feedback - Analsysis vs. Stockfish#2

The Analysis button is there for me, it must be a bug.

Lichess Feedback - 1) Evaluation at the end of computer analysis ; 2) Continue analysis from position#2

I second this.

Lichess Feedback - Takeback after checkmate#1

When playing against the computer, it's possible to take back moves. However, if the computer checkmates you, the game ends automatically. It should be possible to take back the move before the mate a…

Off-Topic Discussion - ligo#3

I like the idea of an open source go website, it should not be as difficult to program as a chess website either since the rules are much easier to code.

Lichess Feedback - openings#14

It surely needs more "luck" than finding a forced win in 3, I'd say.

Lichess Feedback - openings#12

No, it's a forced draw instead. It does not matter whether the forced outcome is a win or a draw, there is no meaningful gameplay either way.
