
Search "user:Orphan_X"

65 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to stop raging in chess?#9

I respect how openly you admit to raging over chess, I do it too, especially when it's some stupid endgame blunder. Just take a break and go for a walk. It's not a bad thing to get annoyed, it just me…

General Chess Discussion - Practice vs Play#2

I assume you mean 1.5h a day on weekdays is what you can manage? That's plenty of time to make serious improvements. Studying (but with trying out the ideas over the board) is superior to playing if y…

General Chess Discussion - I hate blitzs, I just can't really think like a blitzs player#15

@xDoubledragon said in #12: > I wonder where is my blizs intuition after being 2000 rapid, where did it hide huh I don't understand this either, I have (relatively) sound knowledge and know theory abo…

Off-Topic Discussion - i love life but i dont like the world#4

@Oportunist said in #2: > why did we turn the world into such a mess?we created systems that lead to suffering Honestly, I think if every country had a direct democracy the amount of suffering in the …

General Chess Discussion - getting to 2000k is pretty easy, actually#19

@filthiesteote said in #18: > erm being 1400 with close to 5k games is a tad bit yk embarrassing That's just a nasty comment, show some respect. Some people just play for fun and don't take it that se…

Off-Topic Discussion - The s***t game chess will always be#30

@filthiesteote said in #23: > please don't use slurs in the forum, thanks! Fag means a cigarette in the UK btw

Off-Topic Discussion - The s***t game chess will always be#18

@Boyko_Bu said in #9: > I wouldn't say "smart", it is logical. But playing chess in the long run makes you either a sociopath or criminal, or both. True, I would never have started a criminal organisa…

General Chess Discussion - Anyone Else Bad at Bullet and Blitz but good at Classical?#20

@Wisherwood said in #18: > Your opponent is likely browsing youtube, ordering food, talking to their friends, etc. They probably aren't thinking about the game. This is why bullet is the best time for…

General Chess Discussion - Anyone Else Bad at Bullet and Blitz but good at Classical?#9

I wouldn't even say I'm 'bad' at blitz, I'd say I can't even play it. The way I use tactics is to support whatever strategy I have in mind and trying to do that in a 5 minute game just isn't possible …

General Chess Discussion - What is chess psychology?#12

Chess Psychology is an area of psychology to help those with OCD (Obsessive Chess Disorder). Symptoms include: * Thinking obsessively about chess when not even playing. * Problems concentrating on tas…
