
Search "user:Pablo-No"

126 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Let's Beat Stockfish Level 8!!!! {Move 2}#4

1. e4

Lichess Feedback - (Bug?) Conditional moves do not work in Crazyhouse?#6

There's already an issue in the github repo , but I don't know if that's the same problem because it has been inactive for 4 years.

Lichess Feedback - draw#9

Hi, threefold repetition is in the article 5.2.b in FIDE Laws of Chess (, and it says: "The game may be drawn if any identical position is about to a…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Theme for OLED screens#5

Hi, this page may help you:

Lichess Feedback - Lichess me quita muchos puntos cuando pierdo y muy pocos cuando gano#2

Hola, viendo tus últimas partidas supongo que te refieres a la variante atomic. Lo que sucede es que en esas partidas (la mayoría) pierdes con gente de nivel muy inferior (o con puntuación provisional…

Lichess Feedback - Help, please: ¿In Lichess there are no simple chess boards with pieces, right? I do not believe it!#20

There's already a feature request:

Lichess Feedback - I've read the FAQ about ratings but I still have a question about puzzle ratings#4

1. Yes, it probably means that 2. They don't show the rating until you solve it to prevent you know if it's easy or hard, just like in a real game.

Lichess Feedback - I've read the FAQ about ratings but I still have a question about puzzle ratings#2

First of all puzzles are like normal opponents, you have a puzzle rating and they have a rating too, when you win it's like if you won a game against the puzzle and if you loose it's like you loose a …

Lichess Feedback - wierd puzzle#13

Yes, I think puzzles with threefold repetition shouldn't exist, because then, we would have to check the previous move in every single puzzle, and that would be a waste of time.

Game analysis - anonymous games#4

#2 @stumilowylas I think that's because you cannot play more than one game in the same account. But I'm not sure.
