
Search "user:brodieman"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - In atomic, I'm really struggling to establish defense and counter attacks.#1

Just a couple weeks back I started trying atomic seriously. I've been doing analysis to understand the openings. As white, I'm starting to understand how to get started. But as black, I'm getting hamm…

General Chess Discussion - I get offended at people who only rematch when they lose. Do you?#7

@ohcomeon_1 said in #6: > I never rematch anyone. I do not accept rematch requests and I do not ask for rematches myself. And from what I understand about online chess most people behave in the exact …

General Chess Discussion - I get offended at people who only rematch when they lose. Do you?#5

@PhysChess64 said in #4: > it's no stress, what's there to be offended? ill answer my own question: nothing. Sometimes after a painful loss, you have the natural emotion you would want to redeem yours…

General Chess Discussion - I get offended at people who only rematch when they lose. Do you?#3

@MrPushwood said in #2: > Its pushing my wood

General Chess Discussion - How possible is cheating in antichess?#5

@AsDaGo said in #4: > He probably memorized it, or is just better than you. Notice that there are 164 games by move 10 (3 of his own games), so it seems this is still in the realm of theory. Also, I d…

General Chess Discussion - How possible is cheating in antichess?#3

@Cedur216 said in #2: > Ok. Lesson learnt.

General Chess Discussion - How possible is cheating in antichess?#1

Im currently a player who usually hovers in the 1900s. Recently, I played a guy around 2200 with 5 minute timers. He literally smoked me from a technical position making around 10-15 moves by the time…
