
Search "user:fsoto"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Analysis tool missing#2

SOLVED: There is a button in the bottom menu where "Analysis" can be deactivated. I have no idea how, it had been deactivated in my account. It´´ s working now.

Lichess Feedback - Analysis tool missing#1

Since a few days ago I cannot access any analysis capability on lichess. After playing a game I visit the usual "Analysis board" and there are some options at the bottom ("Time per move", "FEN & PGN",…

Lichess Feedback - Distribution of centipawn results#1

Hello, sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere but I have not found it after some search. Is it possible to create, somewhere in the Insights section, a list, or histogram, or selection of my own m…

Lichess Feedback - Can't join or create rated games#5

Same here, with Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on a Mac. Netowrk is otherways working perfectly. Also the rest of lichess.
