
Search "user:powerchess12345"

21 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How can increase my rating at a fast pace?#15

@RubberLuffy said in #9: > Sorry, but i did not get what you meant by the word dynamics. I faintly think that it means not to always equal trade. Maybe positional understanding is a better word, which…

General Chess Discussion - classical center - always losing with it#14

In the first game, there is no reason to resign after Bxf2+. Even at IM/Low GM level I strongly doubt anyone playing white would resign.

General Chess Discussion - How can increase my rating at a fast pace?#5

Get more used to dynamics. For example: In this game, why did you play 12.Bxf6? There is no reason to swap off your bishop for the knight. Most 1700-1800s know this, wh…

General Chess Discussion - Low elo resignation etiquette#29

@MuaddibX said in #1: >Hi, I'm going to be playing in my first over the board tournament in a week. I've only ever played online. I'm expecting to get thrashed by my opponents and was wondering what t…

General Chess Discussion - Is there a principial difference between 2000 and 2200?#6

not all 2200s are the same, but there is always a reason why they are 2200 and not 2000. Main thing I've seen as the difference is that 2000s rush with their moves, while 2200s are generally more expe…

General Chess Discussion - online blitz openings#1

I'm ~2450 blitz, are there any openings in particular that I should play in blitz? I currently just play my OTB repertoire d4 c4 Nimzo Caro Kann I feel like I just get into positions where I…

General Chess Discussion - Looking for Weaker Player(Under 1700) to play with#1

I am looking for players in the 1500-1700 to play vs in friendly games(10 minute games) As you can see on my account, I am currently 2400 Lichess Rapid(or I was at time of writing). This is because I …

General Chess Discussion - How to get 2200+ rapid in lichess#16

Just calculate more

Lichess Feedback - Opening database unreachable#8


General Chess Discussion - Catalan For Black#1

Hello, I am a Nimzo player as Black. I have been experimenting with the Bogo and QID after 3.Nf3 instead of Nc3, but I don't like them that much. I wanted to look into play 3..d5, but when I looked at…
