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13 forum posts
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Community Blog Discussions - The Complete Checkmate Patterns List (with examples)#2

Man, this worked. I had no idea how to solve the puzzle before reading the article and after solving every one of the puzzles I took about fifteen seconds and solved the first puzzle, no problem.

General Chess Discussion - Opinion on illegal moves in OTB chess#6

I think the issue is that it's not considered within the chess rules. The 2 minute penalty, followed by the disqualification of the player is in order to dissuade the player from playing illegal moves…

General Chess Discussion - I used a Legal trap in game#6

This was the first time I ever was able to use a Legal trap. I've used the Venus Fly Trap mate in a game one time as well, but I have no record of it since it was a casual OTB game

General Chess Discussion - I used a Legal trap in game#1

General Chess Discussion - Best way to improve to improve board vision ?#2

What helped me, as someone who is still at amateur level but who has progressed a lot since starting, is setting a goal and holding myself to it. You have to set easily reachable goals to start, and t…

Off-Topic Discussion - why men stronger than women?#55

I think this argument is being fought on flawed premises. The question being asked is, "are men stronger than women?" I think the real question we should be asking is, "why is physical strength equate…

General Chess Discussion - If i start at the age of 22 will i become successful chess player? i want geniune answers#15

@Magneto101 said in #13: > @MrPushwood So you are saying i need to be more serious about becoming top chess player I think what he is saying is you need to set more realistic goals for yourself. There…

General Chess Discussion - The current world chess championship is causing draw death. It's time to stop chess from draw death.#47

@spartakbarnsley said in #46: > It could be immensely fun after a few beers with your mates. So is three legged football, but I don't think either of them would be appropriate at an elite level! It ho…

General Chess Discussion - The current world chess championship is causing draw death. It's time to stop chess from draw death.#45

I actually love the unanimity in the responses to OP’s post. Everyone was like, “self-capture chess? Hmm. 25 DISLIKES??? *click*”
