
New repertoire against the Najdorf

2 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. 6.Be3 in Najdorf
  2. You should know 6.Bd3 if you play 6.Be3
  3. Fishingoutgreatlines (1942) - hamityan51 (2031)
  4. Fishingoutgreatlines (1949) - MaxsLichressBurner (1896)
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines
  2. Sam-K

A 1.d4 repertoire for white: GM level prep

2 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. Introduction.
  2. Against Slav and Semi Slav
  3. The triangle
  4. Tarrasch
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines
  2. Sam-K

Crush the Petroff

4 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. Why you should know how to play against the Petrov
  2. Petroff for white-main line 6...Be7
  3. 3...Nxe4, a trap
  4. Easy way to play against Stafford gambit
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines

Ruy Lopez vs Berlin

2 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. Two ideas but one is better than the other. You get to choose!!
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines

Game study

1 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines (1911) - Oceancub (1937)
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines

Crush white with the Najdorf

3 • Fishingoutgreatlines •
  1. What this study is all about
  2. 6.Be3
  3. 6.h3
  4. 6.Bg5
  1. Fishingoutgreatlines
  2. Sam-K