
Katara qualifiers over, who made it through?

Wow the Knock-out FairPlay rules are strict...

good luck to everybody
Grey_parrot declined to play because they don't want to reveal their identity, I guess.
1] What is Bullet Chess?
Bullet chess is played with a time limit between 1-3 minutes for each player as opposed to longer time controls.
The rules of chess are the same, but the style of play differs drastically with bullet chess vs blitz or classical times.
With no time to calculate each move, each player enters a race against the clock while still vying for an advantage.

2] What Bullet is and what is isn’t?
A lot of chess players will say bullet chess isn’t real chess. And they’re right. Bullet is its own game.
Traditional ideas go out the window and instead you want to play for cheap tricks.
Leaving a queen enprise, trying the four move checkmate, and making pointless king moves are all tactics you would never want to try in a regularly timed chess game.

3] Does Bullet make your chess worse?
Bullet chess can hurt your regular chess games because you rush and put less thought into the moves.
It is not recommended for novice players who want to improve. I highly recommend players below 1600 not play bullet chess if they’re trying to get better.
If you want to play to have fun, then of course I won’t say not to play, but it will do more harm than good if you’re trying to reach 2000 elo or higher.
The reason it makes you worse is you focus on the wrong things. Bullet chess can take a lot of time to play, even though each game is just one minute. The “one more game” mentality kicks in quick and suddenly an hour can be gone.
If you’re trying to improve, that hour could be spent reading a book, playing a longer, classically timed game, or reading one of my improvement articles
I believe blitz can make you better if you study each game you play. With bullet, there’s no reason to study each game because there will be so many blunders that it’s hard to improve from it.

4] Are there any advantages to playing bullet chess?
If you’re rated below 2000, bullet is a great way to try out some new openings to learn some of the ideas. You won’t learn 20 move theory, but you’ll get a sense of what styles you like and don’t like.
You should always mix up your strategies and try not to play the same games over and over. While that’s great for repetition, learning how to approach different openings can help keep you prepared in all time limits.
That being said, in bullet openings can get crazy and way out of book really quick. Unless you’re playing a 2000+, your openings won’t follow any main lines. You’ll fall for tons of traps and so will your opponent. Rather elementary traps too that you’ll sit there and shake your head at.

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what is the draw? Assume the 3 tourney winners are seeded into each quarter along with Magnus?

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