
Czech Pirc vs Regular Pirc

@Sarg0n said in #20:
> You can play 4. f4 Qa5 and then either 5. Bd3 or 5. e5.
> The engine gives you +1 in either case. What, me worry?
I cannot believe any computer assessment of +1 after 4 reasonable moves.
All I take it to mean is that white's setup is plausible but the battle is still ahead.
I think the g6 pirc sucks but the Czech pirc with plans of b5 and a5 later makes the pirc a bit okay
It’s somewhat an improved Philidor or a Lion. After playing e7-e5 the Bf8 doesn’t have to be re-routed.
@peppie23 said in #13:
> I published in 2019 a refutation of the Czech Pirc:
> Yesterday I rechecked some analysis and Stockfish shows even more problems for black.

I didn't see a real refutation there. There's an allegation that it is dubious, but no clear outline of why that might be so. f4 lines look to be the most shaky for czech pirc, is that part of the reason?
It's semi-refuted since a long time ago. Of course 4.Nf3 can not be a refutation since 4...g6 transposes to a Pirc Defence. This is the only good move however. Everything else is bad.
Yeah, completely refuted. What, me worry?

In practice, it scores better than everything I have encountered in 35 years. I know all the refutations, there are difficult lines but I know them better. That's my advantage.
Random example, played yesterday, the guys always go like this. That's the problem, you cannot play normally, you have to learn your refutation really well (and still I know).

@mrbasso said in #26:
> It's semi-refuted since a long time ago. Of course 4.Nf3 can not be a refutation since 4...g6 transposes to a Pirc Defence. This is the only good move however. Everything else is bad.

As long as the earlier c6 is played then we're in the czech pirc and transposing out of it is fine. I expect most of the literature is outdated, not that anyone has cited anything...

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