
The Amateurs Mind

4 • TheKingRAJ •
  1. Introduction
  2. Imbalances: D1
  3. Bishops & Knights: D2
  4. Bishops & Knights: D10
  1. TheKingRAJ

Strategy toolbox

11 • AACtrl •
  1. All tied-up in a winning position
  2. Breaking in the center
  3. Activity >>> pawns
  4. Passive-looking tidy-up move
  1. AACtrl

Instructive positions for beginners & intermediates

5 • AACtrl •
  1. Threat and reaction (quiz)
  2. Threat and reaction (analysis)
  3. Same again (quiz)
  4. Same again (analysis)
  1. AACtrl

All Two knights vs pawn endgame theory

68 • Persona_L •
  1. Introduction
  2. What if without pawn ?
  3. Why we need pawn ?
  4. Block the enemy pawn
  1. Persona_L

НП-2. Жертва качества

4 • sergeip •
  1. Разрушить пешечное прикрытие короля
  2. Захватить центр
  3. Уничтожение защиты
  4. Защита
  1. sergeip

Light and Dark Squares | Master color complex strategy!

2011 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Introduction
  2. What is a weak color complex?
  3. Color complex: Minor pieces, minor problems
  4. Color complex: Major pieces, major problems
  1. NoseKnowsAll

Antichess puzzles

117 • rr007 •
  1. Chapter 1 (2000)
  2. Chapter2 (1700)
  3. Chapter 7 (1700)
  4. Chapter 8(2100)
  1. rr007

¿Que son los planes?

28 • JeremyDuran •
  1. Introducción
  2. ¿Que es plan en ajedrez?
  3. Ejemplo 1: Planificación en la apertura
  1. JeremyDuran

Openings and gambits

2 • Prekshkshah •
  1. Stone wall 1
  2. Stone wall 2
  3. Stone wall 3
  4. Italian Opening
  1. Prekshkshah

Pawn Structures

1 • comkoroco •
  1. --- The Isolani
  2. Vadim Zvjaginsev - Rodrigo Rafael Vasquez Schroeder
  3. Alexander Huzman - Levon Aronian
  4. Radoslaw Wojtaszek - Laurent Fressinet
  1. comkoroco

Understanding Middlegames (Strategy) by John Nunn

2 • TheRealBort •
  1. Creating a plan - 1
  2. Creating a plan - 2
  1. TheRealBort

How to Sacrifice!

354 • Kyle-and-Jess •
  1. Introduction: General Ideas and Rules of Sacrificing
  2. How to Sacrifice: Carsten Hoi - Boris Gulko
  3. How to Sacrifice: Vlastimil Hort - Lev Alburt
  4. Unsound Brilliancies: Carl Hartlaub - Fleischer
  1. Kyle-and-Jess
  2. jessieu726
  3. kyle11878

King and Pawn Endgames: A Beginner’s Guide

28 • Kyle-and-Jess •
  1. Basics: Opposition
  2. Basics: Key Squares
  3. Basics: Rule of the Square
  4. Basics: Shouldering
  1. Kyle-and-Jess
  2. jessieu726
  3. kyle11878

Winning in the Middlegame: Lead in Development

171 • Kyle-and-Jess •
  1. What is a Lead in Development (and How to Win With it)?
  2. Open the Position: A Composed Position
  3. Open the Position: The Opera House Game
  4. Open the Position: Garry Kasparov - Ulf Anderssen
  1. Kyle-and-Jess
  2. jessieu726
  3. kyle11878

Understanding the Middlegame

202 • FireFlare •
  1. Introduction
  2. Isolated Pawn Test
  3. Creative Puzzle #1
  4. Defend The King Test
  1. FireFlare

Anand's Immortal

4 • Hyper_Eagle •
  1. Introduction
  2. Anand's Immortal
  3. Ng4!!
  4. Bc4!!
  1. Hyper_Eagle