
Is magnus a sore loser?

No, chessplayers only get sore when the anal beads are in use.
Well, he has no proofs against Hans Niemann. Only suspicions. Hans Niemann played quite normal and natural in his winning game against Magnus Carlsen, also because his endgame was easily to handle, and Magnus didn't play very well. I couldn't detect any 'supernatural' moves in Niemann's game.
@philodendron68 said in #5:
> Well, he has no proofs against Hans Niemann. Only suspicions. Hans Niemann played quite normal and natural in his winning game against Magnus Carlsen, also because his endgame was easily to handle, and Magnus didn't play very well. I couldn't detect any 'supernatural' moves in Niemann's game.

Hans has a history of cheating and also had an extremely unnatural and literally unprecedented rate of growth. That, combined with his total inability to explain the moves he chose in interviews is about as much proof as you can get without actually pulling the stockfish beads out of his ass.
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