
The absurdity of bullet

Bullet is not chess at all, it is just a matter of fast moving, almost without thinking, because there is not enough time to think nor to move. Chess should be a game whose most important aspect is the deepness of the thought and not the rapidity to phisically make a move, winning only on time. That is something stupid.
Hello, I do not like dogs, so I will go around and shout it in every forum.

I like how you said it's only a matter of fast moving. If so, why the best bullet players are top GM's like Naka, not gamers which have incredible mouse moving skills?

Also, bullet is not chess. But who the hell said it is? Checkers and go, crazyhouse and horde are also not chess, but that does not mean they are not fun.

Bullet chess, despite being different is still very entertaining and can be taken to high level.
@sakram07, well put. Bullet chess is not a way of improving your chess as a beginner, but as you get better, than it becomes really fun, as long as you don't have too much lag.
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Actually no one is forced to play bullet, but after having played some games the bad rating is always there to remind you that you are weak at it. I want to stop playing bullet but I can not erase my rating.
Obviously I would like to erase just my bullet rating! With the others I am quite satisfied.
When people say "bullet is not chess" what they are actually saying is "bullet is not chess the way I think it should be." That's fine, but people need to remember that not everyone really cares what you think chess should be.

As a matter of definitions, bullet *is* chess. It is just chess with a short time control. There are no definitions of chess that restrict what time controls are and aren't chess. So, unless you just want to be wrong, then what you are saying is what I claimed you are saying in the first paragraph.

You don't just get to redefine what chess is to what you think it should be. Chess is chess. And bullet is chess.

And I'm one that absolutely hates it (but I'm smart enough to realize that doesn't mean jack squat, especially about whether or not it is chess).

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