
petition for detailed takeback settings

Currently one can either enable or disable takeback. I personally leave it disabled because I never request takeback and I don't want spam by noobs begging to retract blunders. However there have been two times when my opponent made a clear finger slip and I want to unilaterally give them option to take it back while it is my turn to move. Please add a takeback setting that doesn't allow me to ask for takeback of my own moves, and doesn't allow my opponent to ask for takeback, but allows me to magnanimously offer takeback unilaterally if I see that my opponent misclicked their computer button.
Thanks for the feedback.

I just use "unrated only" since I play rated games competitively.
I'd like an option where it takes back my opponent's move, but it's still my turn afterwards! :D
good idea. I have never come across such spamming though. but I did not play many different players, yet.

and while in the take-back business, when take-back occurs (where is the subjective line between a mouse slip and an impulsive mind slip ;), could there be a way to keep the move taken back into memory of the game (do PGN allow for line variations, I suppose not maybe some other means). If true mouse-slip, then there is no point, but for those on the continuum of mind slips, there might be.

Sometimes I like to work out a position against various strengths of engine, and I grant myself freedom of take backs. But it would be good to keep a record of those, so that I can revise the concepts underlying impulsive thinking to neutralize them, if possible. At least some good might come out of that shameful behavior.
@Toadofsky Thanks for your reply. I see from your profile badges that you're a lichess developer. If this is an official response I would be very grateful if it were fleshed out a little bit because as it stands it sounds terse and almost snarky.
@brochess I think #3 was referring to the setting you can adjust in your profile. but it would not accomplish this subtler option you are proposing.

Also, isn't it a question of self-discipline, unless there are take-back spammers, not just the fear of them. The chat can qualify your behavior in using the take-back or offering it, or refusing it as a policy after first request, why should it be in the settings.

Again, I may not have the same volume of player experience, given that I only play very long time controls. In a more intense settings being sure that you would not have to deal with such behavior may be understandable. The mysteries of massively multiplayer platforms.... the pairing pool is massively multiplayer (I am not confusing genres..)!
@dboing when I had takeback enabled, there were enough opponents asking to take back their blunders and popping up distracting takeback notifications and chat spam that I started disabling takeback altogether. I feel like it was a good decision and not really a question of self-discipline. The one time I re-enabled takeback mid-game to allow the opponent to take back a clear mouse slip, they also clicked takeback a few turns later for an unrelated blunder smh
Yes, I did mention my narrow experience, thanks for clarifying, that existence. Better then, to have it cleared that way.
And I understand the need for your proposition in that context. It is easier at my pace of pairings to talk about self-discipline.
Give back could be a better designation. stressing that you are the initiator of the rewind.

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