
Search "user:EugeneJudo"

148 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - flaw in chess rules ?#7

If you're using that as an analogy then think of it this way. As soon as the king is captured all of its pieces now no longer know what to do. To be direct you can assume as a rule the two kings at wa…

Lichess Feedback - ten minute ban is ridiculous#6

If you abort after I believe 15 seconds then your opponent gets a strike rather than you. Otherwise it applies to you, and i'm not sure how many it takes to warrant a temporary ban.

General Chess Discussion - Guess why?#6

White has a superior pawn structure and can with perfect play and sub par play on blacks side pull a draw by the 50 move rule (assuming no terrible blunders are made). Otherwise this was an absolute w…

General Chess Discussion - Blindfold chess#13

Knowing that your opponent is blindfolded could lead to strategically creating confusing positions. Then again in real OTB blindfold that can always be done.

General Chess Discussion - Blindfold chess#7

#6 You can toggle blindfold mode in your personal settings. You can still see the move list but the board is completely blank. You have to drag the piece to the desired square as you normally would ho…

General Chess Discussion - Stockfish 7#8

Lichess Feedback - recent TV#3


Lichess Feedback - recent TV#1

Please make it so that the past 10 or so matches that were displayed on Lichess TV appear in a list. Very frequently either it changes mid-game in a game I was invested in, or at the end when i'm abou…

Lichess Feedback - Average tourney rated player#1

This would be neat and simple to implement. In small tournaments its easy enough to understand what the average players rating is, but in something like the marathon with 800+ players in it 20 hours b…

Game analysis - Human vs Full Stockfish#2

How much time was each side given, I find it hard to believe that anything less than a top player can perform at 2 centipawn loss against a computer looking 20 moves ahead in every direction. It calcu…
