
Prediction Tournament

@crosky LOL. As long as I get your predictions, it's completely fine. Thanks for the comment :P.

@tipau I took the rule from your WC: If a match is tied 5-5, 2 more games need to be played (and so on...) until a player is ahead by 2. Thus, 6-5 is an impossible score.
@FischyVishy Oops. I had a couple of 6-5s. I've changed them below.

chewythechewer - samuelhaupt3 4-6
Mugwort - ReaperCrew 4-6
Thanks Fischy. Corrected: Deathmaster - recastrov 6-5

If it finishes 6-5 with a forfeit I'll be kicking myself!
Ah, shoot, I wasn't paying attention. I changed my 6-5 results too.

Have you considered doing this on Challonge Brackets? It automates tournament predictions and makes things simple & presentable :)
@tipau You haven't corrected. Choose between 6-4, 7-5, 8-6...

My predictions:

JannLee-vlad-sensei 6-0
allyouneedisluft-2Ap 6-0
Twelveteen-V2chess 6-0
mastertan-inocuo 6-0
chickencrossroad-MessyAnswer 6-0
xuanet-TheBayArea 6-0
opperwezen-Skeftomilos 6-0
eekarf-zanbato 6-0
saturos-Yery 6-0
blitzbullet-Flourish 6-1
Atrophied-tipau 6-1
sexy_and_i_know_it-katakamata 6-2
B0N0B0-ubdip 6-0
penguingim1-isaacly 6-2
Bugzilla-cross_online 6-1
puressence-ciw 6-4
crosky-I0euros 6-2
mathace-Salsablanca 6-3
ikaravodah-betzero 4-6
Kielileike-alkaline1 6-2
sharkmeister-GrandLapin 6-4
Lance5500-KyleLegion 6-3
FreeBee-stelmacz 6-3
chewythechewer-samuelhaupt3 6-4
RaphaelNadal-retardedplatypus123 6-1
emty-mrsjadk26 6-4
chriswsh-BrzopotezniMangup96 6-3
burpcow-Schroer 6-3
Deathmaster-recastrov 6-4
Mugwort-ReaperCrew 6-4
gekkokamen-MeneerMandje 6-4
svenos-exMOHAX 6-4
@tipau Where are your edits? I think you can't edit anymore because already a day has passed; in that case, send me a PM.

@zanbato Hehe, you fixed the 6-5, but not the 5-6 :P.

@crosky Yes, of course, but I saw nothing wrong with my current means of managing things. Perhaps others might disagree.

Also, it is MeneerMandje whom you guys should thank. I didn't notice the 6-5s either :P (but to be fair I haven't updated the tournament yet).

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